People identification has numerous applications, ranging from surveillance/security to robotics. Face and body movement/gait biometrics are the most important tools for this task....
The starting point of this paper is the external surface of a word form, for example the agent-external acoustic perturbations constituting a language sign in speech or the dots o...
To decide ``Where to look next ?'' is a central function of the attention system of humans, animals and robots. Control of attention depends on three factors, that is, lo...
Marco Wischnewski, Anna Belardinelli, Werner X. Sc...
Abstract. Gullibility is the principal cause of bubbles. Investors and the general public get snared by a "beautiful illusion" and throw caution to the wind. Attempts to ...
Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery is a new research area at the intersection of machine learning and data mining with mobile and distributed systems. In this paper the main character...