In this paper we propose a new approach to capture the inclination towards a certain election candidate from the contents of blogs and to explain why that inclination may be so. T...
Background: Models for the simulation of metabolic networks require the accurate prediction of enzyme function. Based on a genomic sequence, enzymatic functions of gene products a...
Constantin Bannert, A. Welfle, C. aus dem Spring, ...
Spectral clustering and eigenvector-based methods have become increasingly popular in segmentation and recognition. Although the choice of the pairwise similarity metric (or affin...
Background: A new paradigm of biological investigation takes advantage of technologies that produce large high throughput datasets, including genome sequences, interactions of pro...
Background: Methods of determining whether or not any particular HIV-1 sequence stems - completely or in part - from some unknown HIV-1 subtype are important for the design of vac...
Thomas Unterthiner, Anne-Kathrin Schultz, Jan Bull...