A concurrent data-structure implementation is considered nonblocking if it meets one of three following liveness criteria: waitfreedom, lock-freedom, or obstruction-freedom. Devel...
Alexey Gotsman, Byron Cook, Matthew J. Parkinson, ...
Our design goal for OnLive Traveler was to develop a virtual community system that emulates natural social paradigms, allowing the participants to sense a tele-presence, the subje...
This paper describes an experiment in formal specification and validation performed in the context of an industrial joint project. The project involved an Italian company working...
Stefania Gnesi, Diego Latella, Gabriele Lenzini, C...
This paper describes a powerful method for dead code analysis and elimination in the presence of recursive data constructions. We describe partially dead recursive data using live...
Network coding has been shown to be capable of greatly improving quality of service in P2P live streaming systems (e.g., IPTV). However, network coding is vulnerable to pollution a...
Qiyan Wang, Long Vu, Klara Nahrstedt, Himanshu Khu...