Local search algorithms often get trapped in local optima. Algorithms such as tabu search and simulated annealing 'escape' local optima by accepting nonimproving moves. ...
Laura Barbulescu, Jean-Paul Watson, L. Darrell Whi...
—A Virtual Private Network (VPN) aims to emulate the services provided by a private network over the shared Internet. The endpoints of e connected using abstractions such as Virt...
The vector-clock size necessary to characterize causality in a distributed computation is bounded by the dimension of the partial order induced by that computation. In an arbitrar...
In order to handle device matching in analog circuits, some pairs of modules are required to be placed symmetrically. This paper addresses this device-level placement problem for ...
Yiu-Cheong Tam, Evangeline F. Y. Young, Chris C. N...
Background: The study of genome rearrangements has become a mainstay of phylogenetics and comparative genomics. Fundamental in such a study is the median problem: given three geno...
Vaibhav Rajan, Andrew Wei Xu, Yu Lin, Krister M. S...