Safe is a first-order eager functional language with facilities for programmer controlled destruction and copying of data structures. It provides also regions, i.e. disjoint parts...
Javier de Dios, Manuel Montenegro, Ricardo Pe&ntil...
This paper presents a demand-driven, flow-insensitive analysis algorithm for answering may-alias queries. We formulate the computation of alias queries as a CFL-reachability probl...
Writes via unchecked pointer dereferences rank high among vulnerabilities most often exploited by malicious code. The most common attacks use an unchecked string copy to cause a b...
Use-after-free vulnerabilities exploiting so-called dangling pointers to deallocated objects are just as dangerous as buffer overflows: they may enable arbitrary code execution. U...
The C programming language is at least as well known for its absence of spatial memory safety guarantees (i.e., lack of bounds checking) as it is for its high performance. C'...
Joe Devietti, Colin Blundell, Milo M. K. Martin, S...