Abstract. Hybrid or multiphysics algorithms provide an efficient computational tool for combining micro- and macroscale descriptions of physical phenomena. Their use becomes impera...
Alexandre M. Tartakovsky, Daniel M. Tartakovsky, T...
Abstract. We introduce a Cellular Potts model (a cellular-automatonbased Monte-Carlo model) of in vitro capillary development, or angiogenesis. Our model derives from a recent cont...
Model order selection and cue combination are both difficult open problems in the area of clustering. In this work we build upon stability-based approaches to develop a new method...
Andrew Rabinovich, Serge Belongie, Tilman Lange, J...
In this paper, we define a continuum of modeling styles, ranging from collections of very simple agents on one end to collections of very complex agents at the other end, and a s...
A novel method unifying viewer and model centered approaches for representing structurally complex 3-D objects like human faces is presented. The uni ed 3D frequency-domain repres...