Multimedia uploaded content is tagged and recommended by users of collaborative systems, resulting in informal classifications also known as folksonomies. Faceted web ranking has ...
Beam search is used to maintain tractability in large search spaces at the expense of completeness and optimality. We study supervised learning of linear ranking functions for con...
The main goal of web pages ranking is to find the interrelated pages. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm called FPR-DLA. In the proposed method learning automata is assigned...
We develop a novel online learning algorithm for the group lasso in order to efficiently find the important explanatory factors in a grouped manner. Different from traditional bat...
Haiqin Yang, Zenglin Xu, Irwin King, Michael R. Ly...
Many ranking models have been proposed in information retrieval, and recently machine learning techniques have also been applied to ranking model construction. Most of the existin...
Xiubo Geng, Tie-Yan Liu, Tao Qin, Andrew Arnold, H...