Multicore processors promise higher throughput at lower power consumption than single core processors. Thus in the near future they will be widely used in hard real-time systems as...
Data grids deal with a huge amount of data regularly. It is a fundamental challenge to ensure efficient accesses to such widely distributed data sets. Creating replicas to a suita...
We propose an architecture for self-adjusting and self-healing atomic memory in highly dynamic systems exploiting peer-to-peer (p2p) techniques. Our approach, named SAM, brings to...
Emmanuelle Anceaume, Maria Gradinariu, Vincent Gra...
We present three dynamic routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithms that are intended for multifiber WDM networks without wavelength converters. For networks with a large n...
The non-blocking work-stealing algorithm of Arora, Blumofe, and Plaxton (henceforth ABP work-stealing) is on its way to becoming the multiprocessor load balancing technology of ch...