The growing demand for large-scale data mining and data analysis applications has led both industry and academia to design new types of highly scalable data-intensive computing pl...
Yingyi Bu, Bill Howe, Magdalena Balazinska, Michae...
Many large-scale distributed computing applications demand real-time responses by soft deadlines. To enable such real-time task distribution and execution on the volunteer resourc...
Sangho Yi, Emmanuel Jeannot, Derrick Kondo, David ...
Cloud computing has emerged as a promising environment capable of providing flexibility, scalability, elasticity, failover mechanisms, high availability, and other important feat...
Loop pipelining is a critical transformation in behavioral synthesis. It is crucial to producing hardware designs with acceptable latency and throughput. However, it is a complex ...
In the literature, asymptotic studies of multi-hop wireless network capacity often consider only centralized and deterministic TDMA (time-division multi-access) coordination schem...