Abstract: A model (consisting of rv-systems), a core programming language (for developing rv-programs), several specification and analysis techniques appropriate for modeling, pro...
Alexandru Popa, Alexandru Sofronia, Gheorghe Stefa...
Optimal program slicing determines for a statement S in a program whether or not S affects a specified set of statements, given that all conditionals in are interpreted as non-d...
We close affirmatively a question which has been open for long time: decidability of the HOM problem. The HOM problem consists in determining, given a tree homomorphism D and a re...
Guillem Godoy, Omer Giménez, Lander Ramos and Car...
Many general-purpose, object-oriented scripting languages are dynamically typed, to keep the language flexible and not reject any programs unnecessarily. However, dynamic typing ...
Michael Furr, Jong-hoon (David) An, Jeffrey S. Fos...
We give a novel transformation for proving termination of higher-order rewrite systems in the format of Inductive Data Type Systems (IDTSs) by Blanqui, Jouannaud and Okada. The tr...