: e-business organizations are heavily dependent on distributed 24X7 robust information computing systems, for their daily operations. To secure distributed online transactions, th...
The security demands on modern system administration are enormous and getting worse. Chief among these demands, administrators must monitor the continual ongoing disclosure of sof...
Mehran Bozorgi, Lawrence K. Saul, Stefan Savage, G...
We introduce the first approach that can actively control multiple hardware intellectual property (IP) cores used in an integrated circuit (IC). The IP rights owner(s) can remotel...
The MANTIS MultimodAl system for NeTworks of In-situ wireless Sensors provides a new multithreaded embedded operating system integrated with a general-purpose single-board hardwar...
Hector Abrach, Shah Bhatti, James Carlson, Hui Dai...
Commercial electronic voting systems have experienced many high-profile software, hardware, and usability failures in real elections. While it is tempting to abandon electronic vo...