Starting in 2003, Drew University began a process to replace its manual account management procedures with an automated provisioning system based upon Novell technologies. Over th...
Internet protocols encapsulate a significant amount of state, making implementing the host software complex. In this paper, we define the Statecall Policy Language (SPL) which pr...
To date, the measurement of user-perceived degradation of quality of service during denial of service (DoS) attacks remained an elusive goal. Current approaches mostly rely on low...
Jelena Mirkovic, Alefiya Hussain, Brett Wilson, So...
Many reputation management systems have been developed under the assumption that each entity in the system will use a variant of the same scoring function. Much of the previous wo...
William Conner, Arun Iyengar, Thomas A. Mikalsen, ...
The XML technologies have brought a lot of new ideas and abilities in the field of information management systems. Nowadays, XML is used almost everywhere: from small configurati...