Abstract. A forecasting approach based on Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Artificial Neural Networks (named by the authors MULP) is proposed for the NN5 111 time series long-term, out...
In some real world situations, linear models are not sufficient to represent accurately complex relations between input variables and output variables of a studied system. Multila...
act It is well-established that a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with a single hidden layer of N neurons and an activation function bounded by zero at negative infinity and one at in...
We suggest to apply the hybrid neural network based on multi layer perceptron (MLP) and adaptive resonance theory (ART-2) for solving of navigation task of mobile robots. This appr...
Image denoising can be described as the problem of mapping from a noisy image to a noise-free image. The best currently available denoising methods approximate this mapping with c...
Harold Christopher Burger, Christian J. Schuler, S...