Abstract. Four-valued description logic has been proposed to reason with description logic based inconsistent knowledge bases, mainly ALC. This approach has a distinct advantage th...
Abstract. In this short paper we describe the DFL hybrid knowledge base, that integrates descriptions with expressive object-oriented rules. The knowledge base manages a database o...
ir end-to-end deadlines. Real-time Creol can be useful for analyzing, for instance, abstract models of multi-core embedded systems. We show how analysis can be done in UPPAAL.
perception of domain concepts. We have run this experiment on the 367 645 English abstracts of PASCAL 2005-2006 bibliographic database (http://www.inist.fr) and compared the struct...
An emerging approach to multi-device application development developers to build an abstract semantic model that is translated into specific implementations for web browsers, PDAs...
Yves Gaeremynck, Lawrence D. Bergman, Tessa A. Lau