CL Research's question-answering system (DIMAP-QA) for TREC-9 significantly extends its semantic relation triple (logical form) technology in which documents are fully parsed...
Lexical ontologies and semantic lexicons are important resources in natural language processing. They are used in various tasks and applications, especially where semantic process...
Semantic lexicons and lexical ontologies are some major resources in natural language processing. Developing such resources are time consuming tasks for which some automatic metho...
The work described in this paper aims to enrich the noun classifications of an existing database of lexical resources (de Matos and Ribeiro, 2004) adding missing information such ...
Paula Cristina Vaz, David Martins de Matos, Nuno J...
Background: Although there are a large number of thesauri for the biomedical domain many of them lack coverage in terms and their variant forms. Automatic thesaurus construction b...