In business-to-business e-commerce, traditional electronic data interchange (EDI) approaches such as UN/EDIFACT have been superseded by approaches like web services and ebXML. Nev...
Data provenance graphs are form of metadata that can be used to establish a variety of properties of data products that undergo sequences of transformations, typically specified as...
Paolo Missier, Satya Sanket Sahoo, Jun Zhao, Carol...
Ontology mapping is the key to data interoperability in the semantic web vision. Computing mappings is the first step to applications such as query rewriting, instance sharing, we...
Sean M. Falconer, Natalya Fridman Noy, Margaret-An...
: To aid job seekers searching for job vacancies, we have developed a new configurable meta-search engine for the human resources domain. In this paper we describe the three main c...
Mailing list archives (i.e., the compilation of the messages posted up-to-now) are often published on the web and indexed by conventional search engines.They store a vast knowledg...