Abstract. In this paper we present a conceptual model for understanding of semantic and pragmatic interoperability. We use the model to identify and classify the possible semantic ...
Stanislav Pokraev, Manfred Reichert, Maarten W. A....
This paper presents an approach to creating flexible general-logic representations from language for use in high-level reasoning tasks in cognitive modeling. These representations...
—Enterprise computing is moving towards more open, collaborative systems. Joining a business network must be made efficient, despite the technical and semantic interoperability ...
The adoption of advanced integration technologies that enable private and public organizations to seamlessly execute their business transactions electronically is still relatively...
Till Janner, Fenareti Lampathaki, Volker Hoyer, Sp...
tween documents. They should allow for an abstract representation of data which resembles the way they are actually perceived and used in the real world, thus shortening (with resp...