Floating-point arithmetic is an important source of errors in programs because of the loss of precision arising during a computation. Unfortunately, this arithmetic is not intuitiv...
This paper proposes a new formalism for layout-driven optimization of datapaths. It is based on preserving an arithmetic bit level representation of the arithmetic circuit portion...
Abstract—Precision analysis and optimization is very important when transforming a floating-point algorithm into fixedpoint hardware implementations. The core analysis techniqu...
Jason Cong, Karthik Gururaj, Bin Liu, Chunyue Liu,...
: An interval problem is a problem where the unknown variables take interval values. Such a problem can be defined by interval constraints, such as "the interval [a, b] [a, b...
Abstract. Complex tensor contraction expressions arise in accurate electronic structure models in quantum chemistry, such as the Coupled Cluster method. Transformations using algeb...
Albert Hartono, Alexander Sibiryakov, Marcel Nooij...