In this paper we present a new shape analysis algorithm. The key distinguishing aspect of our algorithm is that it is completely compositional, bottom-up and non-iterative. We pres...
Bhargav S. Gulavani, Supratik Chakraborty, Ganesan...
This paper presents Haggle, an architecture for mobile devices that enables seamless network connectivity and application functionality in dynamic mobile environments. Current appl...
Jing Su, James Scott, Pan Hui, Jon Crowcroft, Eyal...
Business rules provide an elegant solution to manage dynamic business logic by separating business knowledge from its implementation logic. The drawback of most existing business ...
Christoph Nagl, Florian Rosenberg, Schahram Dustda...
Co-design modeling is considered key toward handling the complexity and scale of network systems. The ability to separately specify the software and hardware aspects of computer n...
The main drive for Model-Driven Architecture is that many software applications have to be deployed on a variety of platforms. The way MDA achieves this is by transforming a platfo...