We propose a high-performance, nonlinear, loop filter that reduces quantization noise over video frames composed of locally uniform regions (smooth, high frequency, texture, etc.)...
In object-based video, the encoding of the video data is decoupled into the encoding of shape, motion and texture information, which enables certain functionalities like content-b...
Haohong Wang, Guido M. Schuster, Aggelos K. Katsag...
This paper addresses long term tracking of multiple objects with occlusions. Bayesian networks are used to model the interaction among the detected tracks and for conflict managem...
In a data stream management system, a continuous query is processed by an execution plan consisting of multiple operators connected via the "consumer-producer" relationsh...
This study compares three different methods designed for detecting irregularities from regular dot patterns. Frequency domain information is used to split an original regular patt...
Jarkko Vartiainen, Albert Sadovnikov, Lasse Lensu,...