The ordered tree (O-tree) representation has recently gained much interest in layout design automation. Different from previous topological representations of non-slicing floorpl...
— The mining of meaningful shapes of time series is done widely in order to find shapes that can be used, for example, in classification problems or in summarizing signals. Nor...
We prove a strong Symmetry of Information relation for random strings (in the sense of Kolmogorov complexity) and establish tight bounds on the amount on nonuniformity that is nec...
Abstract. Character design is a key ingredient to the success of any comicbook, graphic novel, or animated feature. Artists typically use shape, size and proportion as the first de...
Md. Tanvirul Islam, Kaiser Md. Nahiduzzaman, Why Y...
The construction of shape spaces is studied from a mathematical and a computational viewpoint. A program is outlined reducing the problem to four tasks: the representation of geom...