In contrast to peer-to-peer file sharing, live streaming based on peer-to-peer technology is still awaiting its breakthrough. This may be due to the additional challenges live str...
Thomas Locher, Remo Meier, Stefan Schmid, Roger Wa...
— Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems have been widely used for exchange of voluminous information and resources among thousands or even millions of users. Since shared data are normally ...
We use simulated soccer to study multiagent learning. Each team's players (agents) share action set and policy but may behave differently due to position-dependent inputs. All...
The increasing popularity of resource exchange through peerto-peer networks has encouraged the development of ways to support more complex commercial transactions over these netwo...
MiBoard (Multiplayer Interactive Board Game) is an online, turnbased board game that was developed to assess the integration of game characteristics (point rewards, game-like inte...