A real multivariate polynomial p(x1, . . . , xn) is said to sign-represent a Boolean function f : {0, 1}n {-1, 1} if the sign of p(x) equals f(x) for all inputs x {0, 1}n. We gi...
As computer systems are essential components of many critical commercial services, the need for secure online transactions is now becoming evident. The demand for such application...
Feifei Li, Ke Yi, Marios Hadjieleftheriou, George ...
Database outsourcing requires that a query server constructs a proof of result correctness, which can be verified by the client using the data owner's signature. Previous aut...
This paper describes SHAD, a novel architecture for security in pervasive computing environments, and a prototype implementation. SHAD is a Peer-to-Peer and humancentered security...
Enrique Soriano, Francisco J. Ballesteros, Gorka G...
During mass casualty incidents, an enormous amount of data, including the vital signs of the patients, the location of the patients, and the location of the first responders must ...
Tia Gao, Tammara Massey, Majid Sarrafzadeh, Leo Se...