A considerable portion of a chip is dedicated to a cache memory in a modern microprocessor chip. However, some applications may not actively need all the cache storage, especially...
While microprocessor designers turn to multicore architectures to sustain performance expectations, the dramatic increase in parallelism of such architectures will put substantial...
Susmit Biswas, Diana Franklin, Alan Savage, Ryan D...
Software code caches are increasingly being used to amortize the runtime overhead of dynamic optimizers, simulators, emulators, dynamic translators, dynamic compilers, and other t...
Derek Bruening, Vladimir Kiriansky, Timothy Garnet...
Semantic caching augments cached data with a semantic description of the data. These semantic descriptions can be used to improve execution time for similar queries by retrieving ...
Norvald H. Ryeng, Jon Olav Hauglid, Kjetil N&oslas...
An interest group-based P2P browser cache collaborative system, named IntraCache, is proposed in the paper. IntraCache is scalable, resilient to node failures and easy to manage n...