We summarize progress achieved on an interactive land use VRML application (ILUVA) with servlet assist. The purpose of this application is to enable one to take a virtual land are...
"Blender is a free 3D graphics application. It can be used for modeling, UV unwrapping, texturing, rigging, water simulations, skinning, animating, rendering, particle and oth...
Shared memory in a parallel computer provides prowith the valuable abstraction of a shared address space--through which any part of a computation can access any datum. Although un...
The memory consistency model supported by a multiprocessor architecture determines the amount of buffering and pipelining that may be used to hide or reduce the latency of memory ...
Kourosh Gharachorloo, Anoop Gupta, John L. Henness...
CT In this paper some experimental sequential models for the simulation of trip-chains are presented; the models have been calibrated on the base of a survey made in a medium-sized...
Demetrio C. Festa, Daniela Condino, Gabriella Mazz...