Spatial orientation strongly relies on visual and whole-body information available while moving through space. As virtual environments allow to isolate the contribution of visual i...
Complex diffusion was introduced in the image processing literature as a means to achieve simultaneous denoising and enhancement of scalar valued images. In this paper, we present ...
Suppose a set of arbitrary (unlabeled) images contains frequent occurrences of 2D objects from an unknown category. This paper is aimed at simultaneously solving the following rel...
Commercial aerial imagery websites, such as Google Maps, MapQuest, Microsoft Virtual Earth, and Yahoo! Maps, provide high- seamless orthographic imagery for many populated areas, ...
Peter Pesti, Jeremy Elson, Jon Howell, Drew Steedl...
In Augmented Reality (AR), see-through Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) superimpose virtual 3D objects over the real world. They have the potential to enhance a user's perception ...