Our algorithm, ParaMor, fared well in Morpho Challenge 2007 (Kurimo et al., 2007), a peer operated competition pitting against one another algorithms designed to discover the morp...
Christian Monson, Jaime G. Carbonell, Alon Lavie, ...
Abstract. Alcatel-Lucent is a major player in the eld of telecommunications. One of the products it oers to network operators is wireless infrastructure such as base stations. Su...
Roman van der Krogt, James Little, Kenneth Pulliam...
In software protection we typically have to deal with the white-box attack model. In this model an attacker is assumed to have full access to the software and full control over it...
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has been successfully applied to those combinatorial optimization problems which can be translated into a graph exploration. Artificial ants build s...
Point estimates of the parameters in real world models convey valuable information about the actual system. However, parameter comparisons and/or statistical inference requires de...