RDF is a data model for representing labeled directed graphs, and it is used as an important building block of semantic web. Due to its flexibility and applicability, RDF has bee...
Hyunsik Choi, Jihoon Son, YongHyun Cho, Min Kyoung...
This paper presents a new model for understanding human behavior. In this model (FBM), behavior is a product of three factors: motivation, ability, and triggers, each of which has...
Modern multi-user communication systems, including popular instant messaging tools, social network platforms, and cooperative-work applications, offer flexible forms of communica...
Modern applications such as Internet traffic, telecommunication records, and large-scale social networks generate massive amounts of data with multiple aspects and high dimensiona...
Search-based graph queries, such as finding short paths and isomorphic subgraphs, are dominated by memory latency. If input graphs can be partitioned appropriately, large cluster...
Jonathan W. Berry, Bruce Hendrickson, Simon Kahan,...