Large-scale systems like BlueGene/L are susceptible to a number of software and hardware failures that can affect system performance. Periodic application checkpointing is a commo...
Adaptation to changing environmental conditions is a major challenge for most distributed applications. The service-oriented programming paradigm leads to an increasing number of ...
Hash tables provide efficient table implementations, achieving O(1), query, insert and delete operations at low loads. However, at moderate or high loads collisions are quite freq...
Faults that occur in production systems are the most important faults to fix, but most production systems lack the debugging facilities present in development environments. TraceB...
Andrew Ayers, Richard Schooler, Chris Metcalf, Ana...
In this paper we present a novel platform for underwater sensor networks to be used for long-term monitoring of coral reefs and fisheries. The sensor network consists of static a...
Iuliu Vasilescu, Keith Kotay, Daniela Rus, Matthew...