We give logical characterizations of bisimulation relations for the probabilistic automata of Segala in terms of three Hennessy-Milner style logics. The three logics characterize s...
Desharnais, Gupta, Jagadeesan and Panangaden introduced a family of behavioural pseudometrics for probabilistic transition systems. These pseudometrics are a quantitative analogue ...
We consider computational problems on covering graphs with bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs). Given a graph and an integer k, the biclique cover problem asks whether the edg...
We study several cost coloring problems, where we are given a graph and a cost function on the independent sets and are to find a coloring that minimizes the function costs of the...
In this paper we propose a method for selecting an appropriate subset of sensors with a view to minimize estimation error while tracking a target with sensors spread across in a 2...