Research in systems where learning is integrated to other components like problem solving, vision, or natural language is becoming an important topic for Machine Learning. Situatio...
Enric Plaza, Agnar Aamodt, Ashwin Ram, Walter Van ...
Given a set of nonintersecting polygonal obstacles in the plane, the link distance between two points s and t is the minimum number of edges required to form a polygonal path conn...
Abstract. We propose a convex optimization approach to solving the nonparametric regression estimation problem when the underlying regression function is Lipschitz continuous. This...
Dimitris Bertsimas, David Gamarnik, John N. Tsitsi...
The role of small devices in the emerging all-connected computer infrastructure is growing. So are the requirements that the application execution environments face. Portability, ...
Inductive inference is concerned with algorithmic learning of recursive functions. In the model of learning in the limit a learner successful for a class of recursive functions mus...