In [1], systems of weakening of intuitionistic negation logic called Zn and CZn were developed in the spirit of da Costa’s approach(c.f. [2]) by preserving, differently from da C...
— Given a finite state system with partial observers and for each observer, a regular set of trajectories which we call a secret, we consider the question whether the observers ...
Eric Badouel, Marek A. Bednarczyk, Andrzej M. Borz...
In many settings, data is collected as multiple time series, where each recorded time series is an observation of some underlying dynamical process of interest. These observations...
John Cunningham, Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Edward Ra...
Ant colonies, and more generally social insect societies, are distributed systems that, in spite of the simplicity of their individuals, present a highly structured social organiz...
Based on the observation that rough sets and mathematical morphology are both using dual operators sharing similar properties, we investigate more closely the links existing betwe...