Reactivity, the ability to detect events and respond to them automatically through reactive programs, is a key requirement in many present-day information systems. Work on Web Serv...
Many state-of-the-art selectivity estimation methods use query feedback to maintain histogram buckets, thereby using the limited memory efficiently. However, they are "reacti...
Functional reactive programming (FRP) is an elegant and successful approach to programming reactive systems declaratively. The high levels of abstraction and expressivity that mak...
Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, Nick Benton, Jan Hoff...
In this paper, we describe design motivations and experience with a visual language that treats the architecture of a reactive system as a composition of small, asynchronous softw...
Synchronous languages allow a high level, concurrent, and deterministic description the behavior of reactive systems. Thus, they can be used advantageously for the programming of ...