² Similar to humans and primates, artificial creatures like robots are limited in terms of allocation of their resources to huge sensory and perceptual information. Serial process...
Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Ara...
In navigating large information spaces, previous work indicates potential advantages of physical navigation (moving eyes, head, body) over virtual navigation (zooming, panning, fl...
Large information spaces are often difficult to access efficiently and intuitively. We are exploring Pad++, a graphical interface system based on zooming, as an alternative to tra...
d Abstract) Thibault Kruse, Alexandra Kirsch, E. Akin Sisbot, Rachid Alami A robot moving in the presence of humans is highly constrained by the dynamic environment and the need t...
Thibault Kruse, Alexandra Kirsch, Emrah Akin Sisbo...