Geometry deformations for interactive animated characters are most commonly achieved using a skeleton-driven deformation technique called linear blend skinning. To deform a vertex...
Blend shape animation is the method of choice for keyframe facial animation: a set of blend shapes (key facial expressions) are used to define a linear space of facial expression...
Pushkar Joshi, Wen C. Tien, Mathieu Desbrun, Frede...
In this paper, we propose a novel document clustering method based on the non-negative factorization of the termdocument matrix of the given document corpus. In the latent semanti...
Support for temporal text-containment queries (query for all versions of documents that contained one or more particular words at a particular time t) is of interest in a number of...
High dimensional data sets are encountered in many modern database applications. The usual approach is to construct a summary of the data set through a lossy compression technique...