In modern machine translation practice, a statistical phrasal or hierarchical translation system usually relies on a huge set of translation rules extracted from bi-lingual traini...
We propose a motion deblurring algorithm that exploits sparsity constraints of image patches using one single frame. In our formulation, each image patch is encoded with sparse co...
This paper describes the construction of a new multiresolutional decomposition with applications to image compression. The proposed method designs sparsity-distortion-optimized or...
Osman Gokhan Sezer, Yucel Altunbasak, Onur G. Gule...
Sets of multi-view images that capture plenoptic information from different viewpoints are typically related by geometric constraints. The proper analysis of these constraints is ...
Image convolution is conventionally approximated by the LTI discrete model. It is well recognized that the higher the sampling rate, the better is the approximation. However somet...