In many applications it is necessary to track a moving and deforming boundary on the plane from infrequent, sparse measurements. For instance, each of a set of mobile observers may...
We study the NP-complete TARGET SET SELECTION (TSS) problem occurring in social network analysis. Complementing results on its approximability and extending results for its restric...
Most methods for multiple camera tracking rely on accurate calibration to associate data from multiple cameras. However, it often is not easy to have an accurate calibration in so...
Nam Trung Pham, Richard Chang, Karianto Leman, Tec...
A topological flexibility of implicit active contours is of great benefit, since it allows simultaneous detection of several objects without any a priori knowledge about their num...
Most decision tree algorithms base their splitting decisions on a piecewise constant model. Often these splitting algorithms are extrapolated to trees with non-constant models at ...
David S. Vogel, Ognian Asparouhov, Tobias Scheffer