Embedding algorithms are a method for revealing low dimensional structure in complex data. Most embedding algorithms are designed to handle objects of a single type for which pair...
Amir Globerson, Gal Chechik, Fernando Pereira, Naf...
To gain a deeper understanding of the impact of spatial embedding on the dynamics of complex systems we employ a measure of interaction complexity developed within neuroscience us...
Christopher L. Buckley, Seth Bullock, Lionel Barne...
Work in progress towards modeling shape statistics of multiobject complexes is presented. Constraints defined by the set of objects such as a compact representation of object shap...
Guido Gerig, Sarang C. Joshi, P. Thomas Fletcher, ...
An important goal of statistical shape analysis is the discrimination between populations of objects, exploring group differences in morphology not explained by standard volumetri...
Kevin Gorczowski, Martin Styner, Ja-Yeon Jeong, J....