A large photo collection downloaded from the internet spans a wide range of scenes, cameras, and photographers. In this paper we introduce several novel priors for statistics of su...
Sujit Kuthirummal, Aseem Agarwala, Dan B. Goldman,...
The design of large scale DNA microarrays is a challenging problem. So far, probe selection algorithms must trade the ability to cope with large scale problems for a loss of accur...
This paper presents a new way of thinking for IR metric optimization. It is argued that the optimal ranking problem should be factorized into two distinct yet interrelated stages:...
We present a new method of magnification for textured images featuring scale invariance properties. The procedure preserves the visual aspect as well as the statistical properties...
We show that the graph isomorphism problem is low for PP and for C=P, i.e., it does not provide a PP or C=P computation with any additional power when used as an oracle. Furthermor...