Many temporal processes can be naturally modeled as a stochastic system that evolves continuously over time. The representation language of continuous-time Bayesian networks allow...
E-mail services are essential in the Internet. However, the current e-mail architecture presents problems that open it to several threats. Alternatives have been proposed to solve...
While the need to build the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) based on on a distributed and cooperative (P2P) paradigm is being generally acknowledged, the field has been disconne...
E-mail services are essential in the Internet. However, the basic e-mail architecture presents problems that opens it to several threats. Alternatives have been proposed to solve ...
Intrusion attempts due to self-propagating code are becoming an increasingly urgent problem, in part due to the homogeneous makeup of the internet. Recent advances in anomalybased...
Denver Dash, Branislav Kveton, John Mark Agosta, E...