The ongoing convergence between TV and the Internet leads traditional broadcast companies to publish their content on the Internet. Interactive digital TV platforms, which support...
Steven Van Assche, Filip Hendrickx, Nico Oorts, Lo...
With the development of variable-data-driven digital presses where each document printed is potentially unique there is a need for pre-press optimization to identify material that...
Alexander J. Macdonald, David F. Brailsford, John ...
Given a set of peers with overlapping interests where each peer wishes to keep track of new documents that are relevant to their interests, we propose a self-organizing peerto-pee...
Hathai Tanta-ngai, Evangelos E. Milios, Vlado Kese...
For the management of digital document collections, automatic database analysis still has ties to deal with semantic queries and abstract concepts that users are looking for. When...