In P2P file sharing systems, free-riders who use others’ resources without sharing their own cause system-wide performance degradation. Existing techniques to counter freerider...
We present an auto-tuning approach to optimize application performance on emerging multicore architectures. The methodology extends the idea of searchbased performance optimizatio...
Samuel Williams, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, J...
Despite voluminous previous research on adaptive compression, we found significant challenges when attempting to fully utilize both network bandwidth and CPU. We describe the Fine...
Consider a heterogeneous cluster system, consisting of processors with varying processing capabilities and network links with varying bandwidths. Given a DAG application to be sch...
A scalable architecture to facilitate emergent (self-organized) task decomposition using neural networks and evolutionary algorithms is presented. Various control system architectu...
Jekanthan Thangavelautham, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleute...