Today biometric techniques are based either on passive (e.g. IrisScan, Face) or active methods (e.g. voice and handwriting). In our work we focus on evaluation of the latter. These...
Franziska Wolf, T. K. Basu, Pranab K. Dutta, Claus...
Abstract. Users are often forced to trust potentially malicious terminals when trying to interact with a remote secure system. This paper presents an approach for ensuring the inte...
—An increasing number of mobile devices, including smartphones, use WLAN for accessing the Internet. Existing WLAN authentication mechanisms are either disruptive, such as presen...
We study proactive two-party signature schemes in the context of user authentication. A proactive two-party signature scheme (P2SS) allows two parties—the client and the serverâ...
Antonio Nicolosi, Maxwell N. Krohn, Yevgeniy Dodis...
Multi-touch displays are particularly attractive for collaborative work because multiple users can interact with applications simultaneously. However, unfettered access can lead t...