We define reactive simulatability for general asynchronous systems. Roughly, simulatability means that a real system implements an ideal system (specification) in a way that pre...
: Ad hoc wireless networks have enormous commercial and military potential because of their self-organizing capacity and mobility support. However, some specificities of these net...
3D reconstruction from 2D images is an active research topic in the computer vision community. Classical algorithms like Structure From Motion (SFM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) are...
Hosting a collection of millions of videos, YouTube offers several features to help users discover the videos of their interest. For example, YouTube provides video search, relate...
Abstract--In mobile social networks (MSNets), data dissemination is an important topic, which has not been widely investigated yet. Active data dissemination is a networking paradi...
Jialu Fan, Yuan Du, Wei Gao, Jiming Chen, Youxian ...