Abstract: Test methodologies for large embedded systems fail to reflect the test process as a whole. Instead, the test process is divided into independent test levels feaifferences...
Evolutionary algorithms are among the metaheuristic search methods that have been applied to the structural test data generation problem. Fitness evaluation methods play an import...
H. Turgut Uyar, A. Sima Etaner-Uyar, A. Emre Harma...
This paper considers tests for cointegration with allowance for structural breaks, using the extrema of residual-based tests over subsamples of the data. One motivation for the ap...
In order to structure a gene network, a score-based approach is often used. A score-based approach, however, is problematic because by assuming a probability distribution, one is ...
Effective testing of safety-critical real-time embedded software is difficult and expensive. Many companies are hesitant about the cost of formalized criteria-based testing and a...