Virtual machines provide flexible, powerful execution environments for Grid computing, offering isolation and security mechanisms complementary to operating systems, customization...
Ivan Krsul, Arijit Ganguly, Jian Zhang, José...
The environment is an important but overlooked piece in the construction of multiagent-based scenarios. Richness, believability and variety of scenarios are inseparable from the en...
Paul Hsueh-Min Chang, Kuang-Tai Chen, Yu-Hung Chie...
Interactive3Dlearningenvironmentscanproviderichproblemsolving experiences with unparalleled visual impact. In these environments, students interactively solve problems by directin...
William H. Bares, Luke S. Zettlemoyer, Dennis W. R...
: Accurate and efficient monitoring of dynamically changing environments is one of the most important requirements for ubiquitous network environments. Ubiquitous computing provide...
Ji-Hye Bae, Hee-Kuk Kang, Yoon-Young Park, Jung-Ho...
We outline an incremental learning algorithm designed for nonstationary environments where the underlying data distribution changes over time. With each dataset drawn from a new e...
Matthew T. Karnick, Michael Muhlbaier, Robi Polika...