Genomic IR, characterized by its highly specific information need, severe synonym and polysemy problem, long term name and rapid growing literature size, is challenging IR communit...
Resolving polysemy and synonymy is required for high-quality information extraction. We present ConceptResolver, a component for the Never-Ending Language Learner (NELL) (Carlson ...
This paper proposes a Japanese/English crosslanguage information retrieval (CLIR) system targeting technical documents. Our system first translates a given query containing techni...
Work on the production of texts in English describing instances of a particular event type from multiple news sources will be described. A system has been developed which extracts...
James R. Cowie, Yevgeny Ludovik, Hugo Molina-Salga...
Most natural language database interfaces suffer from the translation knowledge portability problem, and are vulnerable to ill-formed questions because of their deep analysis. To a...