KDD is a complex and demanding task. While a large number of methods has been established for numerous problems, many challenges remain to be solved. New tasks emerge requiring th...
Ingo Mierswa, Michael Wurst, Ralf Klinkenberg, Mar...
Interactive visualization systems allow extensive adjustments of the visualization process, to give the user full control over the visualization result. However, this flexibility ...
We point out several problems in scalingup statistical approaches to spoken dialogue systems to enable them to deal with complex but natural user goals, such as disjunctive and ne...
We present a corpus of spoken dialogues between students and an adaptive Wizard-of-Oz tutoring system, in which student uncertainty was manually annotated in real-time. We detail ...
Katherine Forbes-Riley, Diane J. Litman, Scott Sil...
With an increasing use of data mining tools and techniques, we envision that a Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining System (KDDMS) will have to support and optimize for the followi...