We show how it is possible for two parties to co-operate in generating the parameters for an RSA encryption system in such a way that neither individually has the ability to decry...
We present a taxonomy automatically generated from the system of categories in Wikipedia. Categories in the resource are identified as either classes or instances and included in a...
Wedescribe a knowledgeengineeringapproachby which conceptualknowledgeis extractedfroman informal,semanticallyweakmedicalthesaurus(UMLS)and automatically convertedinto a formallyso...
We show that if a language L has a 4-round, black-box, computational zero-knowledge proof system with negligible soundness error, then ¯L ∈ MA. Assuming the polynomial hierarch...
This paper presents a new framework for accumulating beliefs in spoken dialogue systems. The technique is based on updating a Bayesian Network that represents the underlying state...