Abstract. iFanzy is a personalized TV guide application aiming at offering users television content in a personalized and context-sensitive way. It consists of a client-server syst...
Pieter Bellekens, Kees van der Sluijs, Lora Aroyo,...
The plethora of content available to the consumer has become overwhelming. Increasing amounts of information are being disseminated through terrestrial broadcast, satellite, and c...
Srinivas Gutta, Kaushal Kurapati, K. P. Lee, Jacqu...
This paper presents the methods used in a TV Recommender System that helps users in the difficult task of finding an interesting TV program from among the hundreds of channels that...
This chapter discusses content-based recommendation systems, i.e., systems that recommend an item to a user based upon a description of the item and a profile of the user’s inter...